# Legal Notice

Sanctioned Users are Prohibited. You may not access or use software developed and published by us if you are (i) a resident of any country with which transactions or dealings are prohibited by governmental sanctions imposed by the U.S., the United Nations, the European Union, the United Kingdom, or any other applicable jurisdiction (collectively, “Sanctions Regimes”); (ii) a person, entity or government prohibited under an applicable Sanctions Regime (“Sanctioned Person”), including the Office of Foreign Assets Control, Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons List; or (iii) prohibited from accessing or using the Software pursuant to the laws, rules, and regulations in the jurisdiction in which you reside or otherwise access and use the Software.

Users Must Comply with Applicable Law. You may only access or use the Software in compliance with laws, rules, and regulations in the jurisdiction in which you reside or otherwise access and use the Software, including, as applicable, Sanctions Regimes, anti-money laundering laws and regulations, and securities laws and regulations.

BCDB Does Not Endorse or Promote User Software Activity. We are publishing certain portions of the Software, on an open-source basis, to demonstrate the utility of the Bitcoin Computer. As this Software is open-source, it may be modified and deployed for a wide range of uses that we may not have intended. We do not endorse or promote, and expressly disclaim liability for, any non-BCDB use or modification of the Software.