# constructor

The constructor of the Computer class creates an instance. It's functionality is described in this API documentation.

# Type

new (config: {
  chain?: 'LTC' | 'BTC' | 'DOGE',
  network?: 'mainnet' | 'testnet' | 'regtest',
  mnemonic?: string,
  path?: string,
  passphrase?: string
  addressType?: 'p2pkh' | 'p2wpkh' | 'p2tr',
  url?: string,
  satPerByte?: number,
  dustRelayFee?: number,
  moduleStorageType?: 'taproot' | 'multisig'
}) => Computer

# Syntax

new Computer(config)

# Parameters

# config

A configuration object

Key Description Default Value
chain Target blockchain. Values can be 'LTC' or 'BTC' LTC
network Target network. Values in 'testnet', 'regtest' or 'mainnet' regtest
mnemonic BIP39 mnemonic phrase Random phrase
path BIP32 path m/44'/0'/0'
passphrase BIP32 passphrase The empty string
addressType The address script type. Values in 'p2pkh', 'p2wpkh', 'p2tr' p2pkh
url Url of a Bitcoin Computer Node https://rltc.node.bitcoincomputer.io
satPerByte Fee in satoshi per byte 2
dustRelayFee Dust relay fee 30000 on LTC and 3000 on BTC
moduleStorageType Store ES6 modules on Taproot or multisig scripts taproot

# Return Value

An instance of the Computer class

# Examples

import { Computer } from '@bitcoin-computer/lib'

// Bitcoin Computer on LTC regtest connected to the public node https://rltc.node.bitcoincomputer.io
const computer1 = new Computer()

// Bitcoin Computer on BTC regtest
const computer2 = new Computer({
  chain: 'BTC'

// Bitcoin Computer with custom parameters
const computer3 = new Computer({
  chain: 'LTC'
  network: 'mainnet',
  mnemonic: 'replace this seed'
  addressType: 'p2wpkh',
  path: "m/44'/0'/0'/0",
  url: 'https://my-ltc-node.com',
  satPerByte: 1