# encode

The encode function builds a Bitcoin transaction from a Javascript expression according to the Bitcoin Computer protocol. In addition to the transaction, this function also returns the value of the expression.

If the expression contains free variables (for example the variable x in the expression x.f()) a "blockchain environment" must be passed. A blockchain environment is a JSON object that maps variable names to the latest revisions of smart objects.

A module specifier can be provided in order to make the exports of that module are available to the evaluation.

Other options can customize the funding and signing process.

# Type

;(opts: {
  exp: string // an expression
  env?: Record<string, string> // a blockchain environment
  mod?: string // a module specifier

  // Funding options
  fund?: boolean // whether to fund the transaction
  include?: string[] // include specific UTXOs when funding
  exclude?: string[] // exclude specific UTXOs when funding

  // Signing options
  sign?: boolean // whether to sign the transaction
  sighashType?: number // Sighash type to use
  inputIndex?: number // input index to be signed
  inputScript?: Buffer // use input script (instead of signing)

  // Mock options
  mocks?: Record<string, any> // a mock environment
}) =>
    // the transaction with the expression inscribed
    tx: BitcoinLib.Transaction
    // the result of the evaluation
    effect: { res: Json; env: Json }

# Syntax

await computer.encode({ exp })
await computer.encode({ exp, env })
await computer.encode({ exp, env, mod })
await computer.encode({ exp, fund, sign })

# Parameters

# opts

An object with the basic configuration parameters to encode the expression in a transaction.

Key Type Description Default Value
exp string A Javascript expression
env Record<string, string> A Blockchain environment, maps free variables to latest revisions {}
mod string A module specifier undefined
fund boolean Whether the transaction should be funded true
include string[] UTXOs to include when funding []
exclude string[] UTXOs to exclude when funding []
sign boolean Whether to sign the transaction true
sighashType number The sighash type 1=SIGHASH_ALL
inputIndex number If set to an number the corresponding input is signed. If undefined all inputs are signed. undefined
inputScript string If set to a string a custom input script can be provided. If undefined a signature script is generated undefined
mocks Record<string, any> A pair <name, object>. The object is an instance of a mocked class (A class that does not extends from Contract but has the keywords _id, _root, _amount,_owners) undefined

Module specifiers and UTXOs are encoded as strings of the form <transaction id>:<output number>

# Return value

It returns an object { tx, effect } where tx is a Bitcoin transaction and effect is an object with keys res and env.

{ tx: BitcoinLib.Transaction, effect: { res: Json; env: Json } }

The transaction tx is an object from the NakamotoJS library - a BitcoinJS clone that supports LTC, BTC, PEPE and DOGE, and has some extra features that make is easier to build advanced applications like exchanges.

The res object contains the result of the evaluation.

The env object has the same keys as the blockchain environment. However, whereas the values of the blockchain environment are revision strings, the values of env and the smart object at these revisions after evaluating the expression.

# Examples

import { Computer, Contract } from '@bitcoin-computer/lib'

// A smart contract
class C extends Contract {
  constructor(n) {
    this.n = n

// Calling encode will not broadcast a transaction
// or change state of smart objects
const { effect, tx } = await computer.encode({
  exp: `${C} new C(1)`

// Effect captures state of smart objects
// if the transaction is broadcast
  res: {
    _id: '667c...2357:0',
    _rev: '667c...2357:0',
    _root: '667c...2357:0',
    _owners: ['03...'],
    _amount: 5820
  env: {}

// The tx can be broadcast to commit the change
const txId = await computer.broadcast(tx)

// Read the latest state
const synced = await computer.sync(txId)

// The new state in memory will always equal effect