# new

Creates a new smart object. The parameters are a smart contract (a Javascript class inheriting from Contract), a list of arguments for the constructor of the class and an optional module specifier. The arguments of the constructor can be of basic data type or smart objects. The new function builds a transaction that records the creation of a new smart object, signs it and broadcasts it. Smart objects can be updated by calling their functions, see here.

# Type

;<T extends new (...args: any) => any>(
  constructor: T,
  args?: ConstructorParameters<T>,
  mod?: string,
) => Promise<InstanceType<T> & MetaData>

Here a MetaData is the type

type MetaData = {
  _id: string
  _rev: string
  _root: string
  _amount: number
  _owners: string[]
  _readers?: string[]
  _url?: string

# Syntax

await computer.new(A)
await computer.new(A, [10])
await computer.new(A, ['a'], '9128ab1232...18ba:0')

# Parameters

Parameter Description
constructor A named Javascript class that extends from Contract.
args Arguments to the constructor of the class.
mod A module specifier, i.e., the revision string of a deployed module (see deploy).

# Return value

Returns an instance of the class T. The class T should extend from Contract. The returned object has extra properties _id, _rev, _root, _owners, _amount and possibly _url, _readers.

# Examples

import { Contract, Computer } from '@bitcoin-computer/lib'

// A smart contract
class A extends Contract {
  constructor(n) {
    this.n = n

// Create a smart object
const computer = new Computer({ mnemonic: ... })
const a = await computer.new(A, [1])
  n: 1,
  _id: '667c...2357:0',
  _rev: '667c...2357:0',
  _root: '667c...2357:0',
  _owners: [computer.getPublicKey()],
  _amount: 5820