# sync

Returns smart objects given a location on the blockchain. The location can either be a revision (a string of the for <transaction id>:<output number>) or a transaction id.

# Type

;(location: string) => Promise<unknown>

# Syntax

await computer.sync('0324ba3...ba2')
await computer.sync('0324ba3...ba2:0')

# Parameters

Parameter Description
location An string encoding a revision or a transaction id.

# Return value

If the function is called with a revision, it returns the smart object stored at the provided revision. Note that the revision must not be a latest revision. In that case a historical state of the revision is returned.

If the function is called with a transaction id, it returns an object of type { res: Json; env: Json }. The value of res is the result of evaluating the expression inscribed into the transaction. The env object has the same keys as the blockchain environment of the transaction, the values of env are the smart objects at these revisions after evaluating the expression.

If the parameter is not a valid revision or transaction id, an error is thrown.

# Examples

# Sync to a Revision

Synchronizing to the revision returns a smart object.

import { Contract, Computer } from '@bitcoin-computer/lib'

// A smart contract
class A extends Contract {
  constructor(n) {
    this.n = n

// Create a smart object
const computer = new Computer({ mnemonic: ... })
const a = await computer.new(A, [1])

// Synchronizing to the revision of a smart object always
// returns a value that is deep equal the smart object
expect(await computer.sync(a._rev)).to.deep.equal(a)

# Sync to a transaction id

Synchronizing to a transaction id returns all smart objects on that transaction.

import { Computer, Contract } from '@bitcoin-computer/lib'

// A smart contract
class C extends Contract {
  constructor(n) {
    this.n = n

// Encode the expression into a transaction
const { effect, tx } = await computer.encode({
  exp: `${C} new C(1)`,

// The tx can be broadcast to commit the change
const txId = await computer.broadcast(tx)

// Synchronizing to a transaction id is always equal
// to the effect object returned from encode.
expect(await computer.sync(txId)).to.deep.eq(effect)